Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Influence Part 2

What you Get: You need to defeat the Hanmaiden in combat three time, and with a high Influence.                            
Lowdown: Handmaiden is a good person, and likes you to be good as well. Most of her influence is won in conversation, and then you get the most by sparring with her and winning. Avoid all conversions when it comes to Visas Marr, or stay neutral, you can lose influence if you don’t side with her.
What you get: She can become a Jedi when she opens up to you with a lot of influence.
Lowdown: You need to make good responses will generally yield results that you want. The best way to get Influence with Mira is to get her to "argue" with you, but this requires 11 Awareness. Ask about why she doesn't kill the bounties, follow the Awareness line and she argues with you, then shuts up. Watch the influence go up a lot.
Visas Marr
What you Get: With a high influence, Visas will teach you the Force Sight ability, a moderately interesting technique that allows you to see through many doors, and see the alignments of people you see. This also gives XP and a bonus to your Maximum Force Points                                                 
Lowdown: Visas gains influence through dialogues. In fact, one good       dialogue with her and you get all the influence you can ever want. Of course, her positive influencers are also tied to Light Side points, so saying things like "I didn't mean to hurt you" gains both INF and an LSP.                                        |
You can also go evil and Visas responds well to killing innocent people, giving you the points you need. 

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