Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Characters in the Game Part 2

Visas Mirr, a mentally scarred Sith Apprentice that serves the Sith Lord Nihilus. She is a female Miraluka, who has the about of sensing a disturbance in the force, and followed it to the Exiled aboard the Ebon Hawk. She challenges the Exile to a duel and then loses to the Exile and joins the party while helping the Exile to continue their training. She plays a part in defeating the Nihilus, by destroying the bond she has with her master.

Mandalore is the leader of the Mandalorians, ravaged by the wars of Revan and his Jedi armies. He has a secret identity, which is revealed later in the game, as Canderous Ordo, the bounty hunter and henchman found on Taris by Revan five years ago in the first game of KOTOR. He leads a small band of Mandlorian warriors, he joins you when he hears the Exile's story. Revan told Ordo to rebuild his Mandalore forces for the threat of the Sith outside the Outer Rims.

Mira and Hanharr, both bounty hunters where one is good and the other is evil. You would have to choice who will join you in your party. Hanharr is a wookie villian that loves to fight and Mira is a caring person. Mira can become a jedi later in the game which makes her a better choice in the game then the wookie.

Disciple and Handmaiden, you can only get one of them, which is based off of the Exile's sex. It is like a love interest. The Handmaiden/ Brianna can be recruited of Telos IV, being taught in the ways of the force by the Exiled.

T3-M4 and HK-47, they are two recurring characters from the first KOTOR. HK-47 is a killing machine that was left behind by Revan on the ship. T3-M4 helps the characters escape from the Sith early in the game from danger. The robot follows the Exile into unknown Regions of space to find Revan and the new threat of the real Sith.

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