Sunday, November 21, 2010

Planet Visits Two.


Immediately after Dantooine, the Exile sought out Jedi Master Kavar on Onderon. As the Ebon Hawk entered the Onderon system, Colonel Tobin fired on at your ship and began a massive space battle above the planet. The Ebon Hawk was forced to crash land on the jungle moon Dxun. You meet a camp full of Mandalorians, led by Mandalore(character from KOTOR 1). Who joins you later on in the game.


Once the Exile landed on Onderon, you a civil war is brewing in Iziz. And you have a choice to support two sides of the conflict. Onderon military General Vaklu declared martial law in the city and began subtly rallying support for his revolution against his cousin, Queen Talia. Kavar is the Jedi master you are looking for, and he will help you in your quest if you side with the Queen in the battle.


You go to Korriban, the last world needed to visit, in an effort to find Master Lonna Vash, in the Sith Academy, located in the Valley of the Dark Lords. But the problem was that you came too late to save her from Darth Sion. Sion sealed the door to the academy and to kill the Exiled. With Kreia's help, the Exiled escaped.

Return to Dxun

As the Exile departed Korriban, a big revolt starts up. The morning of that day, General Vaklu declared Queen Talia guilty of treason and began the revolt against her. You will have to handpick a group of party members to infiltrate the tomb and destroy the Sith forces there, while you go to Onderon and help turn the tide of the Civil War.

The final battle: Malachor V

Two Sith Lords are left in the game. Kreia was using you in the entire game as puppet.You confront Darth Traya at the core. Kreia explained her motivation: she tried to use the Exile to create another wound in the Force, so powerful that it would destroy the Force itself, to eliminate the constant conflict between the Sith and Jedi, and bringing peace to the galaxy. You fight Kreia weather you are good or evil.

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