Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Escape from Planet Peragus II

Halfway thru the level, a ship docks on Peragus,your party boards the ship to escape Peragus—boarded the Harbinger, the ship is overrun by the Sith, led by Darth Sion. Kreia approached Sion, to distract him from you, the Exile and Atton escaped through one of the ship's fuel pipes. Meanwhile, Sion severed Kreia's hand with his lightsaber, and the Exile discovered her newly formed Force bond with Kreia when she unexpectedly felt her pain. You meet up with T3-M4 in the hanger and boarded the Ebon Hawk. The Sith try boarding the ship and you fight them off. Kreia caught up with the party after escaping from Sion, despite the loss of her hand. As they tried to escape the Peragus system, flying through an asteroid field surrounding the planet Peragus II. There is a choice to be made where you can shoot the astoriods and cause a sequence of explosions that completely destroyed the mining facility, asteroid field, and the planet itself. It is a choice that can affect you later on in the game.
And this how the game starts off with a huge BANG!!!

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