Sunday, December 5, 2010

Relationships with Other Characters

Bioware put in a new feature to the game, where the maincharacter can have a love interest with the opposite sex. If you are playing a male character for the first time, you can have a love interest with The Handmaiden, Mari and Visas Marr. Once you gain influence with them, they will give the main character hints of interest. Saying things like what motivates you to do what you do now, from there, you can say that love for people or for someone is what motivates you to continue fighting. They will be impressed with your answers, but the game never shows you pushing forward with any of the love interest, only hinting of the women. Same goes for the feamle main character if you so choose to play it. Your love interest can be with Atton or Disciple.
Thats pretty much everyhing that you can get from Kotor when it comes to love interest, Bioware pushed it forward if Mass Effect 2, when you can hook up with any characters on the ship and have sex with them.

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