Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fighting Styles and Skills

When it comes to range attacks, you can equip a big gun or two pistols. The feats used with guns are rapid fire, charge shot and sniper shot. These are the three main attacks for a range fighter. From there you can use feats that can increase your attacks, like being an expect in pistols or heavy weapons. There is also combat feats can help increase your party members attacks, like team attack, where when two people attack the same enemy, you do extra damage.

Also outside combat skills play a huge part in the game. There are skill that help you interact with the environment and people. You have hacking demolitions, repair, computer, awareness, security, persuade, stealth and treat injury. Each character can level them up and be a proffessional in the field, but only the main character can master the peruade field to interact with other people.

Next time jedi powers. Good or Evil.

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