Sunday, December 5, 2010

Universal Powers

Universal Powers

Universal powers include both defensive and offensive powers. Powers like Affect Mind and breath control are very useful, and people’s favorite, Force Push or Jedi Mind Trick.
Affect Mind
Requirements: Level 8
This power give the main character extra dialogues in conversations and does
not always work.
Dominate Mind
Requirements: Level 12
Same as before but has more dialogue options and higher chance of success.
Master Battle Meditation
Same as before but adds +4 to attack, damage and will saves and speeds up health regeneration.
Master Speed
Requirements: Level 15
Same as before but character gains two extra attacks per round.
Master Energy Resistance
Requirements: Level 17
Same as before but absorbs 20 points of damage.
Master Force Body
Requirements: Level 15
30% of force powers cost comes from Force points and costs 40% less than normal. 30 more percent comes from health points.
Master Force Camouflage
Requirements: Level 13 Sith Assassin or Jedi Watchman
Same as before but adds +8 to stealth.
Force Wave
Requirements: Level 15
All enemies within 15 meters are pushed back 5 meters and are stunned for 6 seconds and suffer damage one and a half time the attacker's level.
Mind Trick
Requirements: Level 1
This power can distract a target but will become undistracted if character gets to close or interacts with the target. This power lasts 30 seconds. If used in stealth mode, this power won't take you out of stealth mode.
Force Confusion
Requirements: Level 12
This power will make the target fight for the player and lasts 30 seconds.
*Some more Power for this Field

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