Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Influence Part 2

What you Get: You need to defeat the Hanmaiden in combat three time, and with a high Influence.                            
Lowdown: Handmaiden is a good person, and likes you to be good as well. Most of her influence is won in conversation, and then you get the most by sparring with her and winning. Avoid all conversions when it comes to Visas Marr, or stay neutral, you can lose influence if you don’t side with her.
What you get: She can become a Jedi when she opens up to you with a lot of influence.
Lowdown: You need to make good responses will generally yield results that you want. The best way to get Influence with Mira is to get her to "argue" with you, but this requires 11 Awareness. Ask about why she doesn't kill the bounties, follow the Awareness line and she argues with you, then shuts up. Watch the influence go up a lot.
Visas Marr
What you Get: With a high influence, Visas will teach you the Force Sight ability, a moderately interesting technique that allows you to see through many doors, and see the alignments of people you see. This also gives XP and a bonus to your Maximum Force Points                                                 
Lowdown: Visas gains influence through dialogues. In fact, one good       dialogue with her and you get all the influence you can ever want. Of course, her positive influencers are also tied to Light Side points, so saying things like "I didn't mean to hurt you" gains both INF and an LSP.                                        |
You can also go evil and Visas responds well to killing innocent people, giving you the points you need. 

Going Evil or Good Will Effect Their Trust

To gain influence with any of the characters, you would have to agree with them when you start making decision whether it is good or evil. The influence can go up or down with the characters, so be careful.
Breakdown: Atton likes to be respected and taken seriously. He has trust issues, most of the time he would say "I trust you" will be accepted. For Dark Siders, Atton will always gain Influence when you murder the innocent. Just tell him that it was the right thing to do. Later you learn that he was trained as a Sith.
Breakdown: Gaining influence with Bao-Dur is almost entirely dependent on him being in the party to see your actions. There are no ways to increase his influence through general conversation on the Ebon Hawk.                                                             
To make Bao-Dur go to the dark side, you would need Kreia in your team, other wise you will lose influence. Also, if you ask for Kreia advice, by asking "What would you do?" and accept her judgment. Then her influence evens out.
The Disciple only appears with a female main character, and is pretty easy to gain influence with. In fact, almost all his influence is gained through dialogue, although much of it gives light side points.             
Lowdown: You need to be supportive to the Disciple’s point of views. Which are supporting the Republic and the Jedi.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Planet Visits Two.


Immediately after Dantooine, the Exile sought out Jedi Master Kavar on Onderon. As the Ebon Hawk entered the Onderon system, Colonel Tobin fired on at your ship and began a massive space battle above the planet. The Ebon Hawk was forced to crash land on the jungle moon Dxun. You meet a camp full of Mandalorians, led by Mandalore(character from KOTOR 1). Who joins you later on in the game.


Once the Exile landed on Onderon, you a civil war is brewing in Iziz. And you have a choice to support two sides of the conflict. Onderon military General Vaklu declared martial law in the city and began subtly rallying support for his revolution against his cousin, Queen Talia. Kavar is the Jedi master you are looking for, and he will help you in your quest if you side with the Queen in the battle.


You go to Korriban, the last world needed to visit, in an effort to find Master Lonna Vash, in the Sith Academy, located in the Valley of the Dark Lords. But the problem was that you came too late to save her from Darth Sion. Sion sealed the door to the academy and to kill the Exiled. With Kreia's help, the Exiled escaped.

Return to Dxun

As the Exile departed Korriban, a big revolt starts up. The morning of that day, General Vaklu declared Queen Talia guilty of treason and began the revolt against her. You will have to handpick a group of party members to infiltrate the tomb and destroy the Sith forces there, while you go to Onderon and help turn the tide of the Civil War.

The final battle: Malachor V

Two Sith Lords are left in the game. Kreia was using you in the entire game as puppet.You confront Darth Traya at the core. Kreia explained her motivation: she tried to use the Exile to create another wound in the Force, so powerful that it would destroy the Force itself, to eliminate the constant conflict between the Sith and Jedi, and bringing peace to the galaxy. You fight Kreia weather you are good or evil.

Planets and Areas to play Thru

Refuge on Telos
With the Peragus astrogation charts recovered from the Harbinger containing only the planet Telos, which is slowly recovering after Saul Karath's bombardment during the Jedi Civil War(KOTOR 1), the three had no choice but to board Citadel Station. There, they were immediately disarmed and detained by the Telos Security Force for the duration of the investigation on the destruction of the Peragus mining facility. You need find a way to escape the place by help one of the two factions in Telos.

Hidden Academy
You leave the city area to get back your ship that was stolen from you. When the shuttle once again crash-landed on a polar plateau as a result of being shot down by three HK-50 droids. After dealing with them, the Exile discovered a Jedi Academy hidden within the plateau. When they entered it, the Exile's companions were locked in prison cells. You meet Atris, one of the Jedi Masters who previously banished the Exile from the Jedi Order for fighting in the Mandalorian Wars. A HandMaiden joins the party when you leave the place.

The first stop on their search was the grassland planet of Dantooine. Dantooine was devastated by the Attack on Dantooine perpetrated by Darth Malak(KOTOR 1) several years before.The Jedi Exile came to the world in search of Vrook Lamar, a Human Jedi Council member. You fight the exchange to save a women that was going to be sold on the market. You gathered the jedi master in the planet to help you in your fight against the Sith.

Nar Shaddaa
The second stop on their search was the planet of Nar Shaddaa. Nar Shaddaa is a massive population and large cityscape of the planet made it easy for one to hide and lay low for a while. To find Jedi Master Zez-Kai Ell, when you do, he confesses that he felt that the Jedi Order had much to take responsibility for, he teahes you a lightsaber form.

History of the First KOTOR

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) is a role-playing video game developed by BioWare and published by LucasArts. On July 15, 2003, it was released to the XBox, then to computer on November 19, 2003, and on September 7, 2004 for Mac OS X. You can still play the play on XBox 360 if you wanted to play the game again. The Star Wars: The Best of PC collection has a re-released version of KOTOR.  Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords, was developed by Obsidian Entertainment at BioWare's suggestion, they put their ideas into the game. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic got an award of being the Best Game of the Year. It sold 250,000 copies in the first four days of its release, making Knights of the Old Republic the fastest-selling Xbox title at the time of its release.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Characters in the Game Part 2

Visas Mirr, a mentally scarred Sith Apprentice that serves the Sith Lord Nihilus. She is a female Miraluka, who has the about of sensing a disturbance in the force, and followed it to the Exiled aboard the Ebon Hawk. She challenges the Exile to a duel and then loses to the Exile and joins the party while helping the Exile to continue their training. She plays a part in defeating the Nihilus, by destroying the bond she has with her master.

Mandalore is the leader of the Mandalorians, ravaged by the wars of Revan and his Jedi armies. He has a secret identity, which is revealed later in the game, as Canderous Ordo, the bounty hunter and henchman found on Taris by Revan five years ago in the first game of KOTOR. He leads a small band of Mandlorian warriors, he joins you when he hears the Exile's story. Revan told Ordo to rebuild his Mandalore forces for the threat of the Sith outside the Outer Rims.

Mira and Hanharr, both bounty hunters where one is good and the other is evil. You would have to choice who will join you in your party. Hanharr is a wookie villian that loves to fight and Mira is a caring person. Mira can become a jedi later in the game which makes her a better choice in the game then the wookie.

Disciple and Handmaiden, you can only get one of them, which is based off of the Exile's sex. It is like a love interest. The Handmaiden/ Brianna can be recruited of Telos IV, being taught in the ways of the force by the Exiled.

T3-M4 and HK-47, they are two recurring characters from the first KOTOR. HK-47 is a killing machine that was left behind by Revan on the ship. T3-M4 helps the characters escape from the Sith early in the game from danger. The robot follows the Exile into unknown Regions of space to find Revan and the new threat of the real Sith.

Characters in the Game Part 1

Kreia is the first character to join the Exiled. She is blind Jedi Master with a hidden past that gets revealed slowly throughout the game. Kreia takes the Jedi Exile (player character) under her wing. Teaching things to the Exile about the force and the balance between dark/light. Kreia helps further the development of the force and giving a good understanding of how the force works in the Star Wars universe.

Atton Rand is the second character to join the party. A former Jedi Hunter who followed Darth Revan during the Mandalorian Wars. Atton Rand is a smuggler/wise-craking vagabond who has a hidden power of  force-sensitivity while still killing Jedi, he tries to repress it and this leads him to Peragus II, becoming a lowly miner to avoid the Jedi purge currently sweeping the galaxy.
If you gain alot of influence with Atton, he and the Exile will grow closer, Atton is taught the ways of the force and becomes one of the so-called “Lost Jedi”.

Boa-Dur, a tech guy with a dark past. A Zabrak engineer, Bao-Dur is responsible for building the Mass Shadow Generator found on the planet Malachor V, a super-weapon which effectively ended the Mandolorian Wars. He feels guilty throughtout the the game. Due to the mass-slaughter caused by the weapon he made, it created a huge wound in the force, giving him a connection to the force. Like Atton, he can also learn the ways of the force through the Exile. Reactivating the weapon to destroy Malachor V gave him and the Exile closure.

A round black droid, that runs the criminal organisation known as the Exchange. Goto requests the help of the Jedi Exile in saving the Republic, and destroying the Sith. Near the endgame, G0-T0 modifies Bao-Dur’s remote droid, trying to use it in a bid to keep Malachor V in its current state. Goto wants to sell lost artirfacts on the planet, he tries to stop the Exile and Bao-Dur for turning on the mass shadow generator, but fails do to the help of HK-47.
Next rest of the party.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Escape from Planet Peragus II

Halfway thru the level, a ship docks on Peragus,your party boards the ship to escape Peragus—boarded the Harbinger, the ship is overrun by the Sith, led by Darth Sion. Kreia approached Sion, to distract him from you, the Exile and Atton escaped through one of the ship's fuel pipes. Meanwhile, Sion severed Kreia's hand with his lightsaber, and the Exile discovered her newly formed Force bond with Kreia when she unexpectedly felt her pain. You meet up with T3-M4 in the hanger and boarded the Ebon Hawk. The Sith try boarding the ship and you fight them off. Kreia caught up with the party after escaping from Sion, despite the loss of her hand. As they tried to escape the Peragus system, flying through an asteroid field surrounding the planet Peragus II. There is a choice to be made where you can shoot the astoriods and cause a sequence of explosions that completely destroyed the mining facility, asteroid field, and the planet itself. It is a choice that can affect you later on in the game.
And this how the game starts off with a huge BANG!!!

Escape from the Sith

You have three choices to pick in the beginning of the game, a jedi knight, a jedi sentinal or a jedi consular. Each class specialize in a field of combat. Jedi knight will give you extra feats for combat for every level you gain, Jedi Sentinal is a balance class that focuses on skills as well as combat and force powers. And the Jedi Consular is consider hard mode for the game, where you get extra force powers as you level up, but less feats and skill points. *If you want to be a force user, pick this class, later in the game, you can kill most enemies with force powers.
You start off in the game awakening up from a medical tank, the Exile found Kreia, as well as a smuggler by the name of Atton Rand locked in a prison cell, in secret, can become a jedi with some influence gain. The party of three are the only survivors in the place, which is crawling with assault-programmed mining droids. Later on, the Exile discovered that HK-50 was responsible for the damage done to the facility, who was sent out to find you and capture you for the Sith Lord.

Later I talk about how you escape the place then Characters in the game.

Setting of the Game

The game takes place five years after the conclusion of the first game. The conclusion of the first game depends on the choices of the player, with either the light side or dark side of the Force emerging as the winner. The beginning of The Sith Lords, players specify which of these outcomes they wish the sequel to follow. You see in the beginning of The Sith Lords that the Sith destroyed the Jedi Order. The main character whom the player takes control of is a Jedi Knight who is exiled from the Jedi Order after she went to fight in the Mandalorian Wars with Revan and Malak.

You start off in Revan's ship, the Ebon Hawk, badly damaged, emerged in the Peragus system, the whole set-up is like a tutorial to explain how the game works. There are two Humans on board, the Jedi Exile, and an old woman named Kreia, both unconscious. You play as T3-M4 to fix the ship and dock the ship into the Peragus Mining Facility, where the Exile was put into the medical bay of the Administration level, and Kreia, who is in a deep trance to survive the flight, into the morgue.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

1st Post-Background on game

The story of the game takes place a few thousands of years before the Star Wars movies. Where the Sith are fighting the Republic. You take the role of a male/female character that is an exiled jedi. The Sith believed you are the last jedi and they are out to kill you.