Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dark Side Powers

Dark Side Powers
Dark Side powers are used for harming others and focus on destruction. Powers like shock or Insanity.
Master Drain Force
Requirements: Level 15
Allows character to steal Force Points from all hostile creatures within 10
meters of the target. It draws 30 points from each opponent but if they save
the only lose 15.
Requirements: Level 6
All enemies within a 5 meter radius of the target is affected and scared for
12 seconds and take -4 to their defense.
Force Crush
Requirements: Level 1, Dantooine, Dark Side
Gained on your second visit to Dantooine as a Dark Jedi. Character
gets 1-6 per level or character of damage and the damage is unstoppable.
Force Scream
Requirements: Level 1
Hurts all enemies within 10 meters in from of the character and deals 3-18 points of damage.
Master Fury
Requirements: Level 9 Sith Marauder
Improved Fury character gains even higher level ups to some of their attributes.
Requirements: Level 9
All enemies 16 meters in front of the caster get hurt by 1-6 per characters level.
Requirements: Level 9
Same as before but suffers ability drain for 24 seconds. Enemy takes 2/3 of the attacking characters level every two seconds in damage.
*Left a few powers out.

Universal Powers

Universal Powers

Universal powers include both defensive and offensive powers. Powers like Affect Mind and breath control are very useful, and people’s favorite, Force Push or Jedi Mind Trick.
Affect Mind
Requirements: Level 8
This power give the main character extra dialogues in conversations and does
not always work.
Dominate Mind
Requirements: Level 12
Same as before but has more dialogue options and higher chance of success.
Master Battle Meditation
Same as before but adds +4 to attack, damage and will saves and speeds up health regeneration.
Master Speed
Requirements: Level 15
Same as before but character gains two extra attacks per round.
Master Energy Resistance
Requirements: Level 17
Same as before but absorbs 20 points of damage.
Master Force Body
Requirements: Level 15
30% of force powers cost comes from Force points and costs 40% less than normal. 30 more percent comes from health points.
Master Force Camouflage
Requirements: Level 13 Sith Assassin or Jedi Watchman
Same as before but adds +8 to stealth.
Force Wave
Requirements: Level 15
All enemies within 15 meters are pushed back 5 meters and are stunned for 6 seconds and suffer damage one and a half time the attacker's level.
Mind Trick
Requirements: Level 1
This power can distract a target but will become undistracted if character gets to close or interacts with the target. This power lasts 30 seconds. If used in stealth mode, this power won't take you out of stealth mode.
Force Confusion
Requirements: Level 12
This power will make the target fight for the player and lasts 30 seconds.
*Some more Power for this Field

Jedi Abilities in the Force and Force Powers

There are Force Forms that can change how effective you are with your force powers in the middle of a battle, but different force forms gives you different advantages and disadvantages. There are Force Channel, Potency, Mastery and Affinity.
Force Channel
+Force Points regeneration
 +Force Power Damage
Force Potency
 +Force Power Damage
 +Force Power Cost
Force Affinity
Force Power can regenerate during combat
Force Mastery
 +Force Duration
 +Force Point Cost
Depends on which class you start with, you will learn the forms at different levels.

For Force Powers, there are three types, good, evil and universal powers. If you are light side, but use Dark Side Powers, it will cost more force points, and vice versa.
Light Side Powers
Most of the light side powers give your allies buffs in battle and healing.
Force Armor
Requirements: Level 12
Adds +6 to defense and Saving Throws and also lasts 20 seconds.
Master Force Barrier
Requirements: Level 15
Absorbs 60 points of damage and lasts 1 minute.
Requirements: Level 1
This power stuns and opponent for 9 seconds. If they save they are slowed for
9 seconds.
Stun Droid
Requirements: Level 1
Stuns droid for 12 seconds inflicting some damage.
Disable Droid
Requirements: Level 6
Same as before but also has a 5 meter radius around the target droid.
Destroy Droid
Requirements: Level 12
Same as before but has a 6 meter radius and 1-6 points of damage per characters level.
*There are some more Light Powers

Fighting Styles and Skills

When it comes to range attacks, you can equip a big gun or two pistols. The feats used with guns are rapid fire, charge shot and sniper shot. These are the three main attacks for a range fighter. From there you can use feats that can increase your attacks, like being an expect in pistols or heavy weapons. There is also combat feats can help increase your party members attacks, like team attack, where when two people attack the same enemy, you do extra damage.

Also outside combat skills play a huge part in the game. There are skill that help you interact with the environment and people. You have hacking demolitions, repair, computer, awareness, security, persuade, stealth and treat injury. Each character can level them up and be a proffessional in the field, but only the main character can master the peruade field to interact with other people.

Next time jedi powers. Good or Evil.

Methods of Fighting

In the game there are two types of ways to fight, be a range character or close-quarter character using swords and light sabers. From there, you can be character that does two hand fighting with with two swords or one sword. The difference is with two hand sword is that you can do one extra damage when you attack, in which you need a two-hand fighting feat. With one hand fighting, you can get +3 to attack and defense with you master one-hand fighting. With close quarters combat, you have abilities for that style; Flurry Blows, Power Strike and Critical Strike. You can master anyone of those feats and others combat feats that can help customize your characters combat styles. All the characters in the game can specialize in any type of fighting styles.

Knights of the Old Republic Future

Bioware has made Knight of the Old Republic one of the best games for RPG of the year. Bioware is pushing the series even farther but by making the KOTOR a MMORPG. Where the users make choices that affect other users in the game, like doing missions that involves kill a person or stopping a transport and etc. The players have classes to start with in the game; a sith, jedi, soldier and merc. In the game you can be good or evill but with a twist to it, you can be a sith and do good things, or be a jedi and do evil things. Each class do their own missions based off their class, so everyone in the game are doing different events on other planets. Bioware has set up the storyline for the game and most of the art work for the game, and a working demo in the last past year.
Peopl are hope they first the game quick.

Relationships with Other Characters

Bioware put in a new feature to the game, where the maincharacter can have a love interest with the opposite sex. If you are playing a male character for the first time, you can have a love interest with The Handmaiden, Mari and Visas Marr. Once you gain influence with them, they will give the main character hints of interest. Saying things like what motivates you to do what you do now, from there, you can say that love for people or for someone is what motivates you to continue fighting. They will be impressed with your answers, but the game never shows you pushing forward with any of the love interest, only hinting of the women. Same goes for the feamle main character if you so choose to play it. Your love interest can be with Atton or Disciple.
Thats pretty much everyhing that you can get from Kotor when it comes to love interest, Bioware pushed it forward if Mass Effect 2, when you can hook up with any characters on the ship and have sex with them.